Monday, 18 December 2017

Website second draft.

Here is the Second draft for the website, we decided to make the colour scheme changes, as we felt it improved the quality and feel for a professional website. W updated the social links so they functioned correctly and added them to the navigation bar so they can be easily accessed on every page.

Website first Draft

Here is the original website design

Friday, 15 December 2017


Here is some of the merchandise we have created for Paleme.  It consists of T-shirts, hoodies and hats in a range of colours. These will be found to purchase on the official Paleme website that we have created as well as at his tour destination venues.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Contacting the music label

Website Feedback

  • Each image contains similar colours helps to create synergy.
  • Like the use of edited images. 
  • Improve - Left bottom image slightly Blurry.
  • Great Gallery photos and layout.
  • Good transitions between pages.
  • The about page looks a bit empty.
  • 'Listen' page needs many changes.
  • Not all social links work.
  • can't see tabs like the synergy.

Final Magazine Cover

Following the first draft of the Paleme magazine cover we have altered the colour correction and contrast to give a more realistic image, we have increased the size of the text and Paleme to give a clearer presentation, we have included the Paleme album name and songs, we have included brief explanation of further magazine contents and we have finally slightly adjusted the layout of the text and included a bar code to create a finished and clear product.

Magazine cover feedback

First Draft Feedback

Our first feedback received a reoccurring level of feedback. The majority of our feedback included the video including too many shots of our artist singing, too many similar shots (framing and angle), no effects (incomplete) and finally too little transitions. Therefore to improve this we will firstly need to rearrange the order of shots and complete the length of our video before applying after effects to exaggerate our image and to create a stronger link between imagery and the lyrics/sound.  

Paleme USP

In order to stand out from other individual artists Paleme will use his expression and real emotions in order to create a almost immediate relationship with his audience. The audience Paleme is targeting is a young adult/teen audience, the reason for this is because he is a young artist that has experienced the worst and is therefore able to tell his story whilst providing motivation to others his age and in a similar position to what he was. In addition to this Paleme unlike the other rising young artists will not use auto tuning and voice over effects, this will provide a variation between his songs and between young rising artists.

Group Reflections

In our group Sam has been placed in charge of the editing and filming part of our music video. So far, he has implemented a lot of time into the editing but more time needs to be placed on the filming side because it seems as though there isn't enough coherency throughout the music video; thus, our group have decided to try and create more of a narrative or storyline that will be closely connected to the lyrics of the song. 

Jordan has been put in charge of the magazine cover and various other tasks, he is currently an A level art student so the skills that he gained from that have played a vital part in the progess of Jordan's tasks. He is also our main performer so most of the time he is going out with the group for various filming or sometimes photography.

Antonio has been placed on digipak duty, our group as a whole have been attempting to centre on what our synergy will actually be, at the moment it seems to be 'nature' which is perfect because all of our filming has taken place in grassy or forestry areas. Antonio has been doing well so far and will try to improve our digipak even further.

Harry Foord has the website objective, which is currently taking a long time to complete, not from lack of effort but from our busy schedules; some free time may need to be sacrificed in order to complete these tasks to their fullest potential. Harry has also been carrying out the various other tasks that have been appointed to our group.

Overall, I would say that our group has the determination and willingness to complete these tasks to a good standard, but we just need to focus on what needs to get done and prioritize certain things.

Monday, 4 December 2017

Twitter album anouncment

Here we have announced that an album id coming soon on our twitter. By keeping this post simple with no date or detail we are building the hype as people retweet the post to there followers.

Instagram Album Announcement

Similar to our twitter announcement we have gave our followers a teaser of what is coming. This post includes the album cover and the name of the album so will create more of a hype than the twitter post as there is more to speculate about.


After our first draft of our artist digipak we have produced a further outcome, this outcome includes clearer images, effects, an artist slogan and our album name and songs. For this we will receive feedback and will analyse how we can improve this digipak any further.

Social Media Accounts

As part of our artist marketing we have created further social media accounts in order to increase our artists recognition and image. We have used a snapchat, twitter and instagram account to target our young target audience.

Friday, 1 December 2017

Digipak Draft

Here we have a draft of the progress of our digipak. Our aim is to represent Paleme as a free willed artist along with a synergy of nature/green and black. We want this digipak to not seem staged and to stand out from others because of the locations and effects.

Teacher Review - Prior to first Draft

Mrs Brookes thought that some of our shots were too similar, thus she recommended that we apply more variation to our music video. Similarly, she thought that we needed to include more group shots of the guys 'having fun' as a majority of the shots are just of our main performer Paleme (Jordan) singing to the camera. Although this draft hasn't got any after effects on it yet, because our group is planning to make it colourful and visually more vibrant. We will now attempt to change the video in accordance with our teachers advice, so as to get the produce the best possible music video and receive a grade appropriate to this.